How to produce unrefined sunflower seed oil in a factory?

In a factory, there are usually two methods used to produce unrefined sunflower seed oil: the sunflower seed oil pressing method and the sunflower seed oil solvent extraction method. The sunflower seed oil pressing method can retain almost all the nutrients in the sunflower seed oil, but it has a lower oil yield and higher cost. On the other hand, the sunflower seed oil extraction method can increase the oil yield and economic benefits, but it may destroy some nutrients and contain a small amount of residual organic solvents (in compliance with national standards).

Sunflower seed oil pressing method

Sunflower seed oil pressing method, the sunflower seed oil pressing method, also known as “physical pressing method,” involves extracting the sunflower seed oil from the seeds using external force. It does not use chemical solvents, thus avoiding the presence of residual solvents in the oil. Moreover, during the sunflower seed oil pressing process, beneficial components in the seeds, such as polyunsaturated fatty acids, proteins, vitamins, trace elements, and other nutrients, can be largely preserved. These beneficial components are more suitable as special additives for human health.

Sunflower seed oil pressing equipment photoSunflower seed oil pressing equipment photo

Process of sunflower seed oil pressing method: Sunflower seeds → Cleaning and drying → Dehulling (removing the seed shells) → Crushing → Steaming and roasting → Pressing sunflower seed oil (separating the seed residue) → Filtering unrefined sunflower seed oil (crude oil).

(1) Raw material selection: Select sunflower seeds with an oil content between 30% and 50%.

(2) Cleaning: Use cleaning equipment such as magnetic separators, vibrating screens, and destoners to remove impurities such as iron, stones, grass, and soil from the sunflower seeds, reducing equipment wear.

(3) Dehulling: Use a puller to remove the shells of the sunflower seeds, facilitating the subsequent pressing process.

(4) Crushing: Use a crusher to break the oilseed cells, increasing the contact area between the equipment and the oilseeds. Crushing is beneficial for improving steaming and roasting effects and oil yield.

(5) Steaming and roasting: Use a steaming and roasting pot to adjust the moisture and temperature of the sunflower seeds to achieve a good state before pressing. The steaming and roasting conditions are generally: temperature of 160°C, time of 50 minutes, and drum speed of 20-25 revolutions per minute.

(6) Pressing: Use a sunflower seed oil press machine to press the sunflower seeds to obtain unrefined sunflower seed oil (crude oil).

(7) Filtering: Filter the crude oil through a plate and frame filter to remove impurities.

Sunflower seed oil solvent extraction method

The sunflower seed oil solvent extraction method utilizes the principle of solubility between organic solvents and edible oil to extract oil from processed oilseeds or pressed cakes. The solvent extraction process mainly includes the edible oil solvent extraction system, wet meal decolonizing system, mixed oil treatment system, and solvent recovery system.

Sunflower seed oil solvent extraction equipment photoSunflower seed oil solvent extraction equipment photo

Process of sunflower seed pre-pressing and solvent extraction method: Sunflower seeds → Cleaning and drying → Dehulling → Crushing → Flaking → Steaming and roasting → Pre-pressing → Pre-pressed cake → Solvent extraction → Filtration, evaporation, and distillation → Crude oil and meal extraction → Desolventizing → Sunflower seed cake.

(1) Edible oil solvent extraction system: Use a solvent, usually hexane, to extract the oil from the cake.

(2) Wet meal decolonizing system: Separate the meal and solvent through a decolonizing system to obtain dry meal, and the solvent can be recycled.

(3) Mixed oil treatment system: Heat the mixed oil directly with steam to separate the sunflower seed oil and solvent, obtaining crude sunflower seed oil.

(4) Solvent recovery system: Mainly recover the solvent for recycling, reducing solvent consumption.

The above are the processes for producing unrefined sunflower seed oil in a factory. If you are interested in sunflower seed oil extraction equipment, please feel free to contact Henan Glory Company.

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